December 31, 2017

Bridge course in IT for SEE students

Bridge course in IT for SEE students

Bridge course in IT is especially designed for SEE students so that they can make a strong foundation in Computer which will help them in future. Students can best utilize their free time by joining different career related Computer courses. The choice of a course largely depends upon the interest of a candidate and we can also decide which Computer course to study based on the future area of study. In today’s world computer knowledge is essential for almost everyone. If you do not know how to use a computer in your daily life then you will not be able to manage your work efficiently. It is widely used in almost every field.

For SEE students, they can either start from Web Designing or C/C++ Programming. In Web Designing students will learn how to design a professional looking website. The course lasts anywhere in between 2 to 2 and half months. Web Designing course is a creative field and anyone who is interested in arts or creative things can enjoy this course a lot. There is a lot of demand for Web Designers in the market. After the completion of the course students can start earning from their web designing skills by freelancing. These days there are various websites that offers these kinds of jobs. It has been very easy to start part-time from home.

However, in comparison to web designing, students learning C/C++ cannot start working as a freelancer after the completion of the course. Since, C/C++ job is not easily available for novice or beginners. One should have a in-depth knowledge of C/C++ programming. However, in Nepal we take C/C++ as a foundation course to give concepts of programming. C Programming provides knowledge of procedural programming concept whereas C++ provides concept of Object Oriented Programming. Students who are interested in the field of software development/ web application development can join this training. After having programming knowledge, it will be easy for students to understand programming languages like PHP, C#, JAVA which are used in the area of web application development.

Therefore, based on the interest area of students the following courses are recommended for SEE students:

  • Web Designing
  • C/C++ Programming
  • Graphics Designing
  • WordPress for Blogging

If you have any queries regarding which course to take then please leave us a message using our contact form, we will get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks.

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